On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Douglas Soares de Andrade
<dsandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was talking to Alvaro yesterday, and we had a problem to get the latest
> trunk without having to fetch all the hg repository, so i did this little
> python script (which depends on BeautifulSoup).

My slow connection... ;-)

> To use it, install beautifulsoup and then run:
> python get_latest_web2py.py
> And it will fetch the latest zip from the hg mirror that im maintaining in
> bitbucket.
> The resulting file will have this name:
> web2py-rev_changeset-currentdate.zip, e.g, web2py-794_5e1df34e2052-130509.zip.

We (Douglas and me) are brazillian, so date is in ddmmyy format, not mmddyy. :-)

> Hope it is useful for those who have a slow connection and just want to test
> the latest trunk.
> Im also thinking in creating a tk interface for it, with support for choice
> between the latest five revisions, if someone has skills in tk, i would like a
> hand =)
> @Massimo: Can we add this to the scripts folder in web2py ?

Great work, congratulations!
E no nosso bom e velho Português: Bom trabalho, parabéns! ;-)

 Álvaro Justen
 Peta5 - Telecomunicações e Software Livre
 21 3021-6001 / 9898-0141

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