On Feb 25, 1:38 am, Joe  Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One problem is that our docs are too fragmented at present.  Perhaps
> we should undertake a central wiki and bring all of the other content
> into it.


> It could be based on web2py or not, but it should have the standard
> wiki revision control.  I find the current wiki less useful without
> it.

For me, I find the best integrated tool for Wiki/BugTracker/SCM is
Trac & you get free project management functionality as well. This
provides the lowest maintenance overheads ways of running a dev

"Trac is probably the best tool for managing software projects of any
size. -> Highly Recommended!"
My practical experience backs this up...

It can also run on the same environment as Web2Py (Apache/WSGI).

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