- I had seen the wiki at 
earlier, but it seemed like a non-starter because it did not come out
as a wiki we all are used to seeing typically... format-wise. Also, we
should start by focusing just on Web2py and keep it simple (refering
to T2, T3).

 - I agree with the point that the Doc lead should be someone besides
Massimo, just so that the 'community' grows. Hence, volunteer for
Leads, please come forward. This can be done by 1) Saying I am going
to do it  2) A tentative date of when the TOC for the manual/doc/wiki
would be put up  3) Putting it up so that contributors can start
feasting on it, taking parts of it (owning it). This would mean that
the contributor could simply start by putting together the info
related to it from different places, including Alter Ego, into this
Wiki and then work on weaving it together. The Lead can keep track on
who is doing which part to avoid redundancy again...

- Again, I am emphasizing on deciding the structure first, as it will
make it lot more easier, and faster to work... But this has to be done
from someone who has a good understanding of the entire framework..
maybe a joint effort by Massimo and Doc Lead.

- Lastly, the Doc Lead can suggest where it can be put up, and we (the
contributors) can wait till he gives us the go.

On Feb 24, 7:49 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> I think in 1.55/1.56 we got a lot of new features. The manual was fine
> before that. I agree that now the documentation behind.
> Here is my list of priorities:
> 1) create a uniform interface in tools to all services (json, jsonrpc,
> xmlrpc, pyamf, etc.)
> 2) amend the manual
> meanwhile, if time permits I can add Auth to AlterEgo so that you can
> login, create and edit pages.
> It would help me a lot of somebody could maintain and send me a list
> of important stuff that is undocumented. I do not have a good
> perception of what is missing.
> Massimo
> On Feb 24, 8:00 am, LEF <jfi...@lef.org> wrote:
> > +1
> > I also think this is crucial. Massimo's book, is fast becoming out of
> > date with each new feature. This makes the situation worse. Maybe it
> > is time to slow down development and concentrate on full online
> > documentation and any bug fixing/house keeping with the code base.
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