I monitor BO ports on all of my units, thus it would trip my own alarms! I suspose I
could use BO and turn off those ports.
Bob Carner
At 04:57 AM 3/23/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Why VNC. I like it for what it is but it makes a crappy monitor fo rhte
>most part. Why not try something like Back Orfice for what your are
>doing(it is alos free and has a stealth mode. Ibelieve it also supports
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bob Carner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: den 23 mars 2001 14:33
>> Subject: Running VNC in Stealth Mode
>> Folks;
>> I'm at a University and take care of a couple of unsupervised, small
>> computers labs. We've noticed that 'Kids will be Kids' and often stray to
>> pages outside of the 'Acceptable Use' guidelines.
>> How do I setup VNS to run as a service and not show up on the Task
>> list or on the service bar? These are Win98, 2nd ed. machines.
>> Much thanks for the bandwidth
>> Bob Carner
>> Bob Carner, EE, SysAdmin, and Network Liason, KG4GBU
>> Brooks Forest Products Center
>> Department of Wood Science and Forest Products
>> Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
>> 540 231-7453 (office)
>> 540 231-8868 (fax)
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Bob Carner, EE, SysAdmin, and Network Liason, KG4GBU
Brooks Forest Products Center
Department of Wood Science and Forest Products
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
540 231-7453 (office)
540 231-8868 (fax)
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