If they are attending uni, they are not kids. In most countries people
eligible to attend uni can drive, vote, buy and consume alchohol. Why treat
them as kids? In fact, I'd be unhappy if actual "kids" were treated in this
stasi-like fashion as well.
There are non-technical solutions to this issue, and spying on them is the
incorrect solution.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Carner
Sent: Saturday, 24 March 2001 1:50 AM
Subject: RE: Running VNC in Stealth Mode
When I find porn on the university's computer lab desktop for parents and
university officials to easily view, it is time to take action and 'capture'
the individual. By in large, these are good kids. But it only takes one
innocent kid, a parent wanting to send his/her kid to school here or Dean
walking into the lab to REALLY create a stink.
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