> Having received one flame (complete with profanity no less) and one
>response with 'an intelligent solution' (thanks! Dave H.), I feel further
>explanation to the list is needed.
> Yes, I read the manual, q46 and completely agree with the
>'legitimate use' issue. However, the source code does allow one to
>'tinker'. It is in this light that I asked the question.
> When I find porn on the university's computer lab desktop for
>parents and university officials to easily view, it is time to take action
>and 'capture' the individual. By in large, these are good kids. But it
>only takes one innocent kid, a parent wanting to send his/her kid to
>school here or Dean walking into the lab to REALLY create a stink. I don't
>care what they do at home, but the computers here are my responsibility.
>Therefore, I feel this is a legitimate use and legitimate question to ask.
The best solution to this is to keep timestamped logs of who logs into the
systems, and also use a proxy (Squid is good, if you have a UNIX/Linux
machine) which logs Web accesses. Cross-referencing one to the other in
the event of a misdemeanour should be within the capability of most
sysadmins. Of course, your security policy must make clear to users that
such monitoring takes place.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments)
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