RTFM? (or the FAQ actually)
It's on the webpage where you downloaded the program.
Also try to look through the mailinglist archives, lots of useful
information here..

I think there is an ludicrously large amount of people who call themselves
"Sysadmins" and the likes of it, but still can't figure out how to get
information that's basically served on a silver platter.

   /Bjorn, not admin of any kind

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Carner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 23 mars 2001 14:33
Subject: Running VNC in Stealth Mode

        I'm at a University and take care of a couple of unsupervised, small
computers labs. We've noticed that 'Kids will be Kids' and often stray to
pages outside of the 'Acceptable Use' guidelines.
        How do I setup VNS to run as a service and not show up on the Task
list or on the service bar? These are Win98, 2nd ed. machines.
        Much thanks for the bandwidth
        Bob Carner
Bob Carner, EE, SysAdmin, and Network Liason, KG4GBU
Brooks Forest Products Center
Department of Wood Science and Forest Products
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

540 231-7453 (office)
540 231-8868 (fax)
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