On 02/04/2023 16:39, Arhum Ahmad wrote:
Thank you very much. Can you share some links which instruct how I can do the same as per your suggestion? It will be very helpful.

One more question: if I change the subnet (default for N-series, will it cause any problems?
The subnet *MASK* remains the same.

I'm not a Windows expert, so I can't help there.   Really, at this point, this isn't the right list.  Your question is drifting into   "how do I do network configuration management on my Windows box".    Your network interfaces need to be on   different subnets.  Your USRPs need to be configured accordingly.     Somebody on this list might be able to help, but I'm   not a Windows networking expert.   Even on Linux, it would depend on which of several different network management
  systems were used by default on YOUR system.

As it happens, NI have a generic (not specific to USRP) tutorial on the subject here:


On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 1:47 AM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 02/04/2023 16:04, Arhum Ahmad wrote:
    Thank you for the response.

    Sir, both of my ports are "Gigabit Ethernet," so I was hoping two
    N200  might respond on ping in the windows command window since I
    have changed the IP of both N-200 to "" and
    "". Is there any way to connect multiple N-series in
    windows with my setting or a way to resolve the issue?

    If two USRP are recognized by PC, the rest is easy to use in MATLAB.
    Your network cards need to be on different IP subnets for this to
    work.  This is just standard IP networking stuff.

    With both devices on 192.168.10.X, the routing stack in your
    computer has NO WAY of knowing how to route things, since
      your cards will both be on the same IP subnet.   I'd make the
    second card on 192.168.20.X, and program your IP address  on
      the N200 appropriately.

    On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 12:26 AM Marcus D. Leech
    <patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

        On 02/04/2023 13:34, Arhum Ahmad wrote:
        > Respected sir,
        > I am trying to connect multiple USRP N200 simultaneously to
        the same
        > system to use in MATLAB. However, It is not recognized by
        the system.
        > My PC has 2 ethernet ports (10 and 5 Gbit). N-200 connects
        via a
        > 10Gbit port but not by 5 Gbit. I have changed the IP of
        N-200, but it
        > doesn't work. I have tried to use a router to make a local
        LAN to
        > connect the PC to 2 N-200, but it did not work either. Is
        there any
        > specific way to connect multiple N-200 in the PC and use it
        in MATLAB
        > for simultaneous operation?It will be very helpful for my
        The N200 ONLY supports 1GBit connections.  It doesn't
        autoconfigure.  It
        MUST use a standard 1GIGe connection.

        Each N200 will need to have a unique IP address. Your network
        need to be configured accordingly.

        I'm doubting that your report of a successful connection to a
        *10Gbit* port
           is actually correct.  It must be a *1GiGe* port.

        I can't help with MATLAB.  And indeed, there are only a
        handful of
        MATLAB users on the usrp-users mailing list.

-- *Thanks and Regards**
    *Arhum Ahmad*
    Ph.D. Scholar, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Ropar

    +91- <tel:+91-7015802356>7974897279
    | arhum.19eez0...@iitrpr.ac.in <mailto:2016eez0...@iitrpr.ac.in>

    Lab No. 323, Communication Research Lab, J.C.Bose Building

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*Thanks and Regards**
*Arhum Ahmad*
Ph.D. Scholar, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Ropar

+91- <tel:+91-7015802356>7974897279 | arhum.19eez0...@iitrpr.ac.in <mailto:2016eez0...@iitrpr.ac.in>

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