Respected sir,

I am trying to connect multiple USRP N200 simultaneously to the same system
to use in MATLAB. However, It is not recognized by the system. My PC has 2
ethernet ports (10 and 5 Gbit). N-200 connects via a 10Gbit port but not by
5 Gbit. I have changed the IP of N-200, but it doesn't work. I have tried
to use a router to make a local LAN to connect the PC to 2 N-200, but it
did not work either. Is there any specific way to connect multiple N-200 in
the PC and use it in MATLAB for simultaneous operation?It will be very
helpful for my experiment.

*Thanks and Regards*
*Arhum Ahmad*
Ph.D. Scholar, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Ropar

+91- <+91-7015802356>7974897279 |
Lab No. 323, Communication Research Lab, J.C.Bose Building

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