On 07/17/2019 11:27 AM, Sumit Kumar via USRP-users wrote:
Ok I will do this.. but why the transmission with other USRP is working fine ?
My guess is that you have different FPGA versions in the two devices.

Make sure that you're running a consistent version of UHD (both in your Gnu Radio world, and your "raw UHD" world).

Make sure that the FPGA/firmware images are appropriate/consistent for the version of UHD that you're running on the host.

Now, normally UHD will alert you if there's an FPGA version mis-match, but I think that there are cases where this isn't true.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 5:22 PM Nate Temple <nate.tem...@ettus.com <mailto:nate.tem...@ettus.com>> wrote:

    Hi Sumit,

    So it looks like you have multiple version of UHD installed:

    sudo ./benchmark_tx.py -f 2.45G -S 10
    linux; GNU C++ version 5.3.1 20151219; Boost_105800;

    sudo ./benchmark_rate --rx_rate 10e6 --duration 600
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;

    I would recommend to stick to a single UHD version and use the
    latest stable tagged released (currently you will need
    to modify the pybombs recipe to use the correct git tag
    (v3.14.1.0). The 'master' branch can be unstable at times.

    Also, if you have a FPGA image of say 3.15.x.x flashed on the N210
    and then revert back to using 3.9.2, and UHD does not catch the
    mismatch, it will likely cause flow control errors and unstable

    The gr-digital/examples/narrowband/benchmark_tx.py example is also
    buggy, and is being removed from GR 3.8. Using the UHD
    benchmark_rate utility will test the hardware with a limited scope.

    Nate Temple

    On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 8:10 AM Sumit Kumar <cog...@gmail.com
    <mailto:cog...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Sorry, here it is.

        Benchmark rate summary:
          Num received samples:     5999986436
          Num dropped samples:      0
          Num overruns detected:    0
          Num transmitted samples:  0
          Num sequence errors (Tx): 0
          Num sequence errors (Rx): 0
          Num underruns detected:   0
          Num late commands:        0
          Num timeouts (Tx):        0
          Num timeouts (Rx):        0

        On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 5:08 PM Nate Temple
        <nate.tem...@ettus.com <mailto:nate.tem...@ettus.com>> wrote:

            Hi Sumit,

            It will take 10 minutes for that run to complete. Does it
            produce a report at the end of the run?

            Nate Temple

            On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 8:06 AM Sumit Kumar
            <cog...@gmail.com <mailto:cog...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Hi Nate,
                No there are not. At the end of the last line, cursor
                keeps blinking, no sequence errors.

                sudo ./benchmark_rate --rx_rate 10e6 --duration 600

                [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609;
                Boost_105800; UHD_3.15.0.git-1-gf83faf28
                [00:00:00.000024] Creating the usrp device with: ...
                [INFO] [USRP2] Opening a USRP2/N-Series device...
                [INFO] [USRP2] Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
                [INFO] [USRP2] Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
                Using Device: Single USRP:
                  Device: USRP2 / N-Series Device
                  Mboard 0: N200r4
                  RX Channel: 0
                    RX DSP: 0
                    RX Dboard: A
                    RX Subdev: SBXv3 RX
                  TX Channel: 0
                    TX DSP: 0
                    TX Dboard: A
                    TX Subdev: SBXv3 TX

                [00:00:01.796895] Setting device timestamp to 0...
                [00:00:01.797430] Testing receive rate 10.000000 Msps
                on 1 channels

                On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 4:39 PM Nate Temple
                <nate.tem...@ettus.com <mailto:nate.tem...@ettus.com>>

                    Hi Sumit,

                    If you run benchmark_rate for an extend period of
                    time, do you see any sequence errors?

                    --rx_rate 10e6 --duration 600

                    Nate Temple

                    On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 7:34 AM Sumit Kumar
                    <cog...@gmail.com <mailto:cog...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                        Hi Nate,
                        Yes I addressed the first 2 points you mentioned.

                        sudo ./benchmark_tx.py -f 2.45G -S 10
                        linux; GNU C++ version 5.3.1 20151219;
                        Boost_105800; UHD_003.009.002-0-unknown

                        Using Volk machine: avx_64_mmx_orc
                        -- Opening a USRP2/N-Series device...
                        -- Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
                        -- Current send frame size: 1472 bytes

                        No gain specified.
                        Setting gain to 15.750000 (from [0.000000,

                        I am using ./benchmark_tx.py located
                        in gnuradio/gr-digital/examples/narrowband

                        On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 4:25 PM Nate Temple
                        <mailto:nate.tem...@ettus.com>> wrote:

                            Hi Sumit,

                            A couple things to address:

                            1) Enable Thread priority scheduling on
                            your host

                            Note it is throwing a warning in the
                            output: "[WARNING] [UHD] Unable to set the
                            thread priority. Performance may be
                            negatively affected."


                            2) Adjust your network buffers

                            [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could not
                            be resized sufficiently.
                            Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                            Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                            See the transport application notes on
                            buffer resizing.
                            Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                            [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could not
                            be resized sufficiently.
                            Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                            Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                            See the transport application notes on
                            buffer resizing.
                            Please run: sudo sysctl -w


                            What is the command you're using to
                            transmit(which utility and args?)

                            Nate Temple

                            On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 7:06 AM Sumit
                            Kumar via USRP-users
                            <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

                                Following is what I am getting after
                                the command you asked to run. The
                       gives SSSSSSS.

                                ./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --read-all
                                --args "addr="
                                Creating USRP device from address:
                                [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version
                                5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Opening a
                                USRP2/N-Series device...
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Current recv frame
                                size: 1472 bytes
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Current send frame
                                size: 1472 bytes
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UHD] Unable to set the
                                thread priority. Performance may be
                                negatively affected.
                                Please see the general application
                                notes in the manual for instructions.
                                EnvironmentError: OSError: error in

                                Fetching current settings from EEPROM...
                                    EEPROM ["hardware"] is "2576"
                                    EEPROM ["revision"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["product"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["mac-addr"] is
                                    EEPROM ["ip-addr"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["subnet"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["gateway"] is
                                    EEPROM ["gpsdo"] is "none"
                                    EEPROM ["serial"] is "E4R14V4UN"
                                    EEPROM ["name"] is ""

                                Power-cycle the USRP device for the
                                changes to take effect.


                                ./usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --read-all
                                --args "addr="
                                Creating USRP device from address:
                                [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version
                                5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Opening a
                                USRP2/N-Series device...
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Current recv frame
                                size: 1472 bytes
                                [INFO] [USRP2] Current send frame
                                size: 1472 bytes
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could
                                not be resized sufficiently.
                                Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.
                                Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
                                See the transport application notes on
                                buffer resizing.
                                Please run: sudo sysctl -w
                                [WARNING] [UHD] Unable to set the
                                thread priority. Performance may be
                                negatively affected.
                                Please see the general application
                                notes in the manual for instructions.
                                EnvironmentError: OSError: error in

                                Fetching current settings from EEPROM...
                                    EEPROM ["hardware"] is "2576"
                                    EEPROM ["revision"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["product"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["mac-addr"] is
                                    EEPROM ["ip-addr"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["subnet"] is ""
                                    EEPROM ["gateway"] is
                                    EEPROM ["gpsdo"] is "none"
                                    EEPROM ["serial"] is "E4R14V2UN"
                                    EEPROM ["name"] is ""

                                Power-cycle the USRP device for the
                                changes to take effect.


                                On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:19 PM Jason
                                <mailto:ja...@gardettoengineering.com>> wrote:

                                    You are right, the table of
                                    revisions was for the X-series

                                    try running the command from your

                                    don't quote me on the type
                                    portion, I don't have a board in
                                    front of me to see if it is n200
                                    or something else.  I //think//
                                    that will report the major and
                                    minor revision values (I am
                                    grasping at straws here, just
                                    trying to figure out what the
                                    differences might be).

                                    You are connecting the ethernet
                                    connections to the two devices
                                    through the exact same port on
                                    your PC?

                                    *From:* Sumit Kumar
                                    *Sent:* Wednesday, July 17, 2019
                                    8:24 AM
                                    *To:* Jason Matusiak
                                    *Cc:* usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
                                    *Subject:* Re: [USRP-users]
                                    Sequence Errors N200
                                    The sticker  for sbx shows F33612
                                    and F33814.
                                    How will this help ?

                                    On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 1:50 PM
                                    Jason Matusiak


                                        OK, the last idea I have:

                                        There is a sticker on the back
                                        of the N-series devices it
                                        /usually/ says the version
                                        there, but not always.  This
                                        has a little info:

                                        Do they match?

                                        *From:* Sumit Kumar
                                        *Sent:* Wednesday, July 17,
                                        2019 7:45 AM
                                        *To:* Jason Matusiak
                                        *Subject:* Re: [USRP-users]
                                        Sequence Errors N200
                                        Hi Jason,

                                        Yes they are consistent, I
                                        mean the output of
                                        uhd_usrp_probe for both N200
                                        is exactly the same (except
                                        the ip, serial and mac addr).
                                        I do not know where the
                                        problem is! Hardware or software


                                        On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 1:19
                                        PM Jason Matusiak

                                            I am not really an
                                            N-series guy, so this
                                            probably won't be helpful.
                                            Have you tried doing a
                                            uhd_usrp_probe on both
                                            devices and seen that the
                                            responses are consistent?

                                            *From:* USRP-users
                                            on behalf of Sumit Kumar
                                            via USRP-users
                                            *Sent:* Wednesday, July
                                            17, 2019 7:15 AM
                                            *Subject:* [USRP-users]
                                            Sequence Errors N200
                                            I am trying transmit using
                                            Ettus N200 (call it A) but
                                            getting this error message
                                            on the console


                                            I looked for it on google
                                            and found these links

                                            Both the links suggested
                                            problem related to the
                                            gigabit port. Then I
                                            connected another USRP
                                            N200 (call it B) to the
                                            same laptop and tried
                                            transmitting using that as
                                            there were no such
                                            sequence error messages.

                                            This makes me believe
                                            there is some problem with
                                            the first USRP, i.e., A.

                                            Further I tried with
                                            different versions of UHD
                                            3.11, UHD 3.15.. but its
                                            the same.

                                            Receive is good only
                                            transmit is throwing error.

                                            Not only with UHD, even in
                                            labview, when I transmit,
                                            I see nothing coming out
                                            from the N200 (A).

                                            I am using SBXv2 daughter

                                            Any clue!

-- -- Sumit kumar
                                            SnT, Luxembourg

-- -- Sumit kumar
                                        SnT, Luxembourg

-- -- Sumit kumar
                                    SnT, Luxembourg

-- -- Sumit kumar
                                SnT, Luxembourg

                                USRP-users mailing list

-- -- Sumit kumar
                        SnT, Luxembourg

-- -- Sumit kumar
                SnT, Luxembourg

-- -- Sumit kumar
        SnT, Luxembourg

Sumit kumar
SnT, Luxembourg

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