Yes, it is ture.
Current cassandra has many limitations or bad implementations, especially on
storage level.

In my opinion, these limitations or bad implementations are just
implementation, not the original intention of design.

And I also want to give a suggestion/advice to the project leaders, we
currently should avoid introducing too many useless/unnecessary, and forcus
on fixing bugs/re-implement some core modules.

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Mason Hale <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Gary Dusbabek <>wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:50, dir dir <> wrote:
>> >
>> > What problems can’t it solve?
>> >
>> > No flexible indices
>> > No querying on non PK values
>> > Not good for binary data (>64mb) unless you chunck
>> > Row contents must fit in available memory
>> >
>> > Gary Dusbabek say: Row contents must fit in available memory. Honestly I
>> do
>> > not understand
>> > the meaning from that statement. Thank you.
>> >
>> > Dir.
>> >
>> The main reason is that the compaction operation (removing deleted
>> values) currently requires that an entire row be read into memory.
>> Gary Dusbabek
> This is a statement I wish I had run across sooner. Our first
> implementation (which we're changing now) included some very big rows. We
> ran into trouble with compaction and during hinted hand-off operations
> (which also deals with data a full row at a time) because these rows would
> not fit into available memory.
> I think until there are not these lurking gotcha spots like compaction and
> hinted hand-off, where a full row must fit in memory, we should not be
> making misleading statements like "Cassandra has the advantage of a more
> advanced datamodel, allowing for a single row to contain billions of
> column/value pairs: enough to fill a machine." (from:
> ,
> A statement
> like that should have some caveats, otherwise it reads as an endorsement, a
> suggestion even, to build a data model with massively wide rows. In
> practice, it is not feasible to have billions of columns in a single row
> because it will lead to problems with compaction and hinted hand-off, maybe
> elsewhere.
> Mason

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