On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:50 AM, dir dir <sikerasa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mason,
> Honestly, I am beginner user in Cassandra. I rather confused to follow
> this database. I ask to the forum about the reason twitter.com to use
> Cassandra
> because I want to know the basic reason why we choose Cassandra instead of
> RDBMS or OODBMS. Twitter.com is only a study case.
> Simple, for example I am a student and you are my lecturer. now I am asking
> you
> when we shall use Cassandra? In what situation, we better use Cassandra
> rather than
> RDBMS or OODBMS? Can I use Cassandra to develop Business Information System
> Software such as Accounting Information System??
Hello Dir --

I'm sorry but answering your question is just not that simple.

The best answer I can give is that one way or another it is likely possible
to build any type of system you can imagine using Cassandra. That said,
there definitely are classes of problems that are going to be handled better
or more easily by a system other than Cassandra. It really depends on what
your needs are. No one is claiming Cassandra is a one-size-fits-all solution
to all data management problems.

If extreme high-availability, support for massive amounts of data, and
scalable write performance are very important to you, then Cassandra is
likely a good fit. If on the other hand you can tolerate some occasional
downtime or if all your data fits comfortably on one machine, then Cassandra
could very well be overkill for your problem. You have to analyze your own
needs and compare those against the available options.

Cassandra is very new, as are all the proverbial "nosql" options that are
the rage these days. You won't find books or training courses covering
Cassandra just yet. The development tool and application framework support
is going to be nascent to non-existent for now. It's an exciting new world
with a lot of innovation and opportunity, but also with a lot of bugs, a
long list of features yet-to-be-implemented, and a lot of people figuring
things out as they go along. So your own tolerance for risk and your
willingness and ability to climb a sometimes steep learning curve should
also factor into your decision.

My advice, if you *think* Cassandra may be a good option for your
application, just try it. Build a prototype and see how that goes.


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