Hi Mason,

Honestly, I am beginner user in Cassandra. I rather confused to follow
this database. I ask to the forum about the reason twitter.com to use
because I want to know the basic reason why we choose Cassandra instead of
RDBMS or OODBMS. Twitter.com is only a study case.

Simple, for example I am a student and you are my lecturer. now I am asking
when we shall use Cassandra? In what situation, we better use Cassandra
rather than
RDBMS or OODBMS? Can I use Cassandra to develop Business Information System
Software such as Accounting Information System??

I have already read the article on

If I see the Cassandra's Data Model, it seem Cassandra can be applied in
software application, like RDBMS. It is true or not?? I also have a question
related with
the presentation on the website.
What problems can’t it solve?

   - No flexible indices
   - No querying on non PK values
   - Not good for binary data (>64mb) unless you chunck
   - Row contents must fit in available memory

Gary Dusbabek say: Row contents must fit in available memory. Honestly I do
not understand
the meaning from that statement. Thank you.


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Mason Hale <ma...@onespot.com> wrote:

> On Saturday, April 17, 2010, dir dir
> > I want to ask to the advance user or experience software developer in
> this forum,
> > why tweeter.com choose Cassandra? would you tell me the reason behind
> > the decision of tweeter.com (from the feature and technical aspect)??
> Why tweeter.com did not
> > use Oracle 11g or Db4o for example? (please omit the oracle 11g fee
> license because
> > we shall discuss from the feature and technical aspect). Thank you.
> >
> >
> For clarification, I believe the site you are referring to is
> twitter.com (not tweeter.com). Only people at Twitter who made this
> decision can really explain the rationale behind it.
> This link should shed some light on the subject:
> http://engineering.twitter.com/2010/02/link-cassandra-at-twitter.html
> Mason
> --
> Mason Hale
> http://www.onespot.com
> direct +1 800.618.0768 ext 701

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