On Saturday, April 17, 2010, dir dir
> I want to ask to the advance user or experience software developer in this 
> forum,
> why tweeter.com choose Cassandra? would you tell me the reason behind
> the decision of tweeter.com (from the feature and technical aspect)??  Why 
> tweeter.com did not
> use Oracle 11g or Db4o for example? (please omit the oracle 11g fee license 
> because
> we shall discuss from the feature and technical aspect). Thank you.

For clarification, I believe the site you are referring to is
twitter.com (not tweeter.com). Only people at Twitter who made this
decision can really explain the rationale behind it.

This link should shed some light on the subject:



Mason Hale
direct +1 800.618.0768 ext 701

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