as the next step in my UML recipe for fedora, i want to demonstrate
how to set up simple networking.  and to keep things simple, i'd
prefer to use a pre-built kernel and root filesystem -- actually
configuring and building those things will come later.

  so where can i find those two objects?  as i understand it, for me
to set up networking, either the kernel or the root filesystem has to
have networking capability.  for example, consider the recipe here:

note how the instructions for the UML guest involve doing a modprobe,
which implies that the root filesystem has to have some modules, but
the root filesystem that's available at that site doesn't have any
modules.  ergo, i can't use it for my example -- does that make sense?

  in short, can someone give me a pointer to a combo of kernel and
root fs for which networking is ready to go?  all of the examples i've
tried so far don't work.


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry:
    Have classroom, will lecture.                          Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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