You can try this blog post I wrote about UML and networking. I wrote it
after the fact so it might be missing things but I did do things
manually all the way through.

Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Antoine Martin wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>> | On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Antoine Martin wrote:
>> |
>> |> Hash: SHA512
>> |>
>> |> The kernels and filesystems here:
>> |>
>> |> Should all be set to use dhcp network configuration, just start a dhcp
>> |> server and you should be up and running.
>> |>
>> |> Antoine
>> |
>> | but for simplicity's sake, i would prefer not to set up a DHCP server
>> | just yet -- i would prefer to configure that first example of
>> | networking manually and, step by step, work my way up -- that's the
>> | whole point of the "recipe" approach.
>> |
>> | i've already downloaded, from the nagafix site, the following:
>> |
>> |  * Fedora8-x86-root_fs.bz2
>> |  * kernel32-
>> |
>> | and, certainly, i can start basic UML with those.  so now, the
>> | question is, what is the exact set of steps to do nothing more than
>> | network my host and my guest OS, as simply as possible?
>> Well, the problem is that if you don't want to use dhcp, you either
>> have to edit some config files on the guest or you have to login and
>> bring the network up by hand... IMO, that's more complicated (and
>> less flexible) than just starting a dhcp server instance.
>> Antoine
>   that may be true, but it's not the point.  in writing out a recipe
> for how to do something, sometimes it's more informational to start
> with the more cumbersome and manual approach, only to show how it
> evolves into an easier and simpler strategy later on.
>   consider the explanation for how to set up simple networking here:
> the very first line on that web page seems quite clear about what is
> about to be explained:
> "The easiest way to get started with UML networking involves nothing
> special besides adding a switch to the UML command line."
>   ok, fine, then let's get networking running by doing nothing more
> than "adding a switch to the UML command line."  *that's* what i want
> to do.  and yet, no matter what i try, the instructions on that page
> don't give me networking.
>   consider, as a single example, the suggestion on that page that you
> can configure the eth0 device thusly if you have a running UML
> session:
>   $ uml_mconsole umid eth0=tuntap,,,
> if i try that, i get:
> $ uml_mconsole MwxFu2 eth0=tuntap,,,
> ERR Unknown command
> $
>   in short, those instructions simply don't work so there's not much
> point reading the rest of that page since i now don't trust anything
> that's written there.
>   what i'm after is fairly simple -- given a kernel and a root
> filesystem, i want to know how to *manually* configure simple
> networking between my guest OS and my host OS, as a number of web
> pages assure me is possible but none of them explain correctly.
>   i don't want to know how to configure automatic networking, i don't
> want to set up DHCP.  i want to start by doing this *manually* so, at
> the risk of sounding a bit brusque because it's been a long day,
> unless you are willing to supply the instructions for doing just that,
> please don't waste my time.  i will *eventually* get around to doing
> the more sophisticated stuff, but that's not what i'm trying to do
> *now*.
>   in a nutshell, the reason i'm investing my time in trying to write a
> "recipe" for getting UML running from scratch is because there's
> nothing on the net that explains how to do that.
> rday
> --
> ========================================================================
> Robert P. J. Day
> Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry:
>     Have classroom, will lecture.
>                          Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA
> ========================================================================
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