On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Antoine Martin wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> The kernels and filesystems here:
> http://uml.nagafix.co.uk/
> Should all be set to use dhcp network configuration, just start a dhcp
> server and you should be up and running.
> Antoine

but for simplicity's sake, i would prefer not to set up a DHCP server
just yet -- i would prefer to configure that first example of
networking manually and, step by step, work my way up -- that's the
whole point of the "recipe" approach.

i've already downloaded, from the nagafix site, the following:

 * Fedora8-x86-root_fs.bz2
 * kernel32-

and, certainly, i can start basic UML with those.  so now, the
question is, what is the exact set of steps to do nothing more than
network my host and my guest OS, as simply as possible?


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry:
    Have classroom, will lecture.

http://crashcourse.ca                          Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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