On Wed, 5 Mar 2008, Jeff Dike wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 04:39:50AM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > a) once i run the "uml_mconsole" command on the host, is there a
> > way to verify the result of that operation?  running "ifconfig"
> > doesn't show me any difference, so how could one verify that that
> > operation finished correctly?  "ifconfig" won't show a working
> > "tap0" interface until networking is brought up in the UML
> > session, so is there any indication at all on the host side until
> > that happens?
> The "OK" from uml_mconsole means the operation succeeded.  And by
> "the operation", I mean the addition of a new interface to the UML.
> Since that is strictly internal to the UML (some types of
> interfaces, i.e. daemon and mcast, are invisible to the host as
> networking), there can't be any other indication on the host that
> anything happened.

ok, i suspected as much, i just wanted to make sure, thanks.  i did
warn you that some of these would be newbie-level questions.  :-)


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry:
    Have classroom, will lecture.

http://crashcourse.ca                          Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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