Changed CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE to actual address (required for
board_init_f) and moved it into cm4{008,1xx}.h, along with a warning
that it must match CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE (since lowlevel_init
relocates there).
lowlevel_init now uses CONFIG_SYS_RCS0_BASE to map ROM.
Changes for v2:
   - Update to use CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ constants only (no PHYS_FLASH)
   - Use tabs where appropriate
   - Update cm41xx also
   - Explain the lowlevel_init change
Changes for v3:
   - Use memory mappings per defined macros
   - Change the final adjustment of lr and ip
   - Verified mapping flash at 0x3000000 on KS8695X demo board
 arch/arm/cpu/arm920t/ks8695/lowlevel_init.S |   63 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 board/cm4008/                      |    1 -
 board/cm41xx/                      |    1 -
 3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/arm920t/ks8695/lowlevel_init.S 
index 1bba571..74579ed 100644
--- a/arch/arm/cpu/arm920t/ks8695/lowlevel_init.S
+++ b/arch/arm/cpu/arm920t/ks8695/lowlevel_init.S
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include <version.h>
 #include <asm/arch/platform.h>
+#include <asm/arch/regvalues.h>
@@ -91,12 +92,31 @@ lowlevel_init:
         * remap the memory and flash regions. we want to end up with
         * ram from address 0, and flash at 32MB.
+#error CONFIG_SYS_RCS0_BASE and CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE must match for highflash 
address to work
+       /* Also needed for pointers in board_init_f() */
+#error Cannot relocate ROM past IO registers
+       /* Firstly, the IO registers are at the top supported address.
+          Secondly, as we grow the ROM region it must not overlap the 
registers. */
+#if CONFIG_SYS_RCS0_BASE&0xffff
+#error Cannot map memory to addresses not divisible by 64K
        ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_MEM_CTRL0)
-       ldr     r2, =0xbfc00040
+       /* The default ROM mapping is at 0x0 - 0x01ffffff.
+          Remap it to 0x0 - 0x03feffff so that it covers 0x02000000,
+          where CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE maps it, as well as 0.
+          Relies on the limited address lines to repeat ROM images
+          on every multiple of the real ROM size. */
+       ldr     r2, 
        str     r2, [r1]                /* large flash map */
-       ldr     pc, =(highflash+0x02000000-0x00f00000)  /* jump to high flash 
address */
+       ldr     pc, =(highflash)        /* jump to high flash address */
-       ldr     r2, =0x8fe00040
+       /* Move ROM to high address, and reconfigure to 4MiB size */
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_ROMCON0_VALUE
        str     r2, [r1]                /* remap flash range */
@@ -105,28 +125,35 @@ highflash:
         * then you can have it all mapped nicely. Has no effect if you
         * only have a 4Mb or smaller flash.
        ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_MEM_CTRL1)
-       ldr     r2, =0x9fe40040
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_ROMCON1_VALUE
        str     r2, [r1]                /* remap flash2 region, contiguous */
-       ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_MEM_GENERAL)
-       ldr     r2, =0x30000005
-       str     r2, [r1]                /* enable both flash selects */
-#ifdef CONFIG_CM41xx
-        * map the second flash chip, using the external IO lines.
+        * map additional flash chip, using the external IO lines.
        ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_IO_CTRL0)
-       ldr     r2, =0xafe80b6d
-       str     r2, [r1]                /* remap io0 region, contiguous */
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_EXTACON0_VALUE
+       str     r2, [r1]                /* map io0 region */
        ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_IO_CTRL1)
-       ldr     r2, =0xbfec0b6d
-       str     r2, [r1]                /* remap io1 region, contiguous */
-       ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_MEM_GENERAL)
-       ldr     r2, =0x30050005
-       str     r2, [r1]                /* enable second flash */
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_EXTACON1_VALUE
+       str     r2, [r1]                /* map io1 region */
+       ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_IO_CTRL2)
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_EXTACON2_VALUE
+       str     r2, [r1]                /* map io2 region */
+       ldr     r1, =(KS8695_IO_BASE+KS8695_MEM_GENERAL)
+       ldr     r2, =CONFIG_KS8695_ERGCON_VALUE
+       str     r2, [r1]                /* enable relevant flash selects */
         * before relocating, we have to setup RAM timing
@@ -198,8 +225,8 @@ highflash:
-       add     lr, lr, #0x02000000     /* flash is now mapped high */
-       add     ip, ip, #0x02000000     /* this is a hack */
+       add     lr, lr, #CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE   /* flash is now mapped high */
+       add     ip, ip, #CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE   /* this is a hack */
        mov     pc, lr                  /* all done, return */
diff --git a/board/cm4008/ b/board/cm4008/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5923b..0000000
--- a/board/cm4008/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0x00f00000
diff --git a/board/cm41xx/ b/board/cm41xx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5923b..0000000
--- a/board/cm41xx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0x00f00000

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