On 12/08/2011 15:08, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:21:18 +0200
> Albert ARIBAUD<albert.u.b...@aribaud.net>  wrote:
>> Hi Lukasz,
>> On 12/08/2011 13:41, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
>>> It is embarrassing to admit, but I've __wrongly__ assumed that
>>> *_range() functions are accepting the start address and range for
>>> invalidation/flushing.
>> Do you mean we're hitting again a confusion between *_range(start,
>> stop) and *_range(start, length)?
>> If so, then the need to get rid of 'anonymous prototypes' becomes
>> greater yet.
>> Amicalement,
> Yes, it seems so. Maybe it is a matter of my programming habits.
> Anyway I should check semantics, before I started hacking.

Your programming habits aside, I consider it bad that a language with 
positional paremeters allows them to have no names, and bad also that 
checking the intended semantics of a C function should require looking 
at its body, however informative that can be.

I know that C++ uses nameless function/method arguments for instance to 
limit "unused parameter" warnings in virtual method overrides, but that 
is barely a justification, and I see no other. Heck, why not go all K&R 
and remove arguments altogether then while we're at it?

Sorry, had to vent out my Friday rant.

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