On 11/04/2010 08:49 PM, Wood Scott-B07421 wrote:
> Timur Tabi wrote:
> > Wood Scott-B07421 wrote:
> > > To be totally safe, we probably want to do a readback plus twi (to 
> turn
> > > a data dependency into a flow dependency) before the isync.
> >
> > twi == trap word immediate?
> Yes.
> > If so, I don't see how that will turn a data dependency into a flow 
> dependency.
> > Is that some sort of side effect of twi?
> It decides based on the input register (data dependency) whether to 
> cause a trap (flow dependency).  We never want it to actually trap, so 
> we set a condition that says never trap, but the dependency is still 
> there -- the hardware doesn't decode it as a no-op.

Might there be any other location this could be used for ?

Actually my 8377 is running fine up to 533MHz core and csb up to 400MHz.
As soon as core frequency rises to 600MHz+ there'll be frequent hangs 
during flush_dcache.

core voltage is clean at 1.05V without any glitches or significant load 

Can anybody confirm that current code runs stable on MPC837x at 600MHz+ ?


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