On 11/12/2010 08:31 PM, Scott Wood wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 13:26:17 -0600
> Kumar Gala<ga...@kernel.crashing.org>  wrote:
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:22 AM, Scott Wood wrote:
>>> On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 09:58:53 -0600
>>> Kumar Gala<ga...@kernel.crashing.org>  wrote:
>>>> We only do the 'twi' for loads/in_beX not stores/out_beX.
>>> Yes, and the readback is a load.
>> following the store with a load should be sufficient I dont think we need 
>> the twi in this case.
> Do we ever need it, or is guarded+cache inhibited sufficient to
> completely hold up execution of anything beyond the load?

Sorry for being insistent :
Is there any explanation why this issue only came up on Jocke's MPC8321 
(?) and my MPC8377 ?

As mentioned here 
there's still a mysterious issue which might have the same root cause.
Again : USB is working fine under Linux - it's an U-Boot only issue.

Is anybody willing to have a closer look - I'm completely stuck here.


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