On 6/26/19 12:39 PM, Melin Tomas wrote:
> On 6/26/19 1:26 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>> On 6/26/19 12:12 PM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>>> On 6/26/19 12:46 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>> On 6/26/19 7:30 AM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>>>>> On 6/25/19 6:15 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/25/19 3:30 PM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>>>>>>> Prior to starting a new transfer, conditionally wait for bus to not
>>>>>>> be busy.
>>>>>>> Reinitialise controller as otherwise operation is not stable.
>>>>>>> For reference, see linux kernel commit: 9656eeebf3f1 ("i2c: Revert
>>>>>>> "i2c: xiic: Do not reset controller before every transfer"")
>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Tomas Melin <tomas.me...@vaisala.com>
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Changes in v2:
>>>>>>> - Change variable declaration order
>>>>>>> - Change timeout to 3ms
>>>>>> Why 3mS ?
>>>>> That is value used also in kernel driver.
>>>> But why 3mS , why not e.g. 5mS ?
>>> Quoting from comment: "for instance if previous transfer was terminated
>>> due to TX error it might be that the bus is on it's way to become
>>> available give it at most 3 ms to wake"
>> So where did that 3 mS figure come from ? Is it from a datasheet ? Or
>> the HDL ? Or is that some arbitrary number ?
> This driver is based on the kernel driver, and has the same structure as 
> that.

So what, Linux kernel has bugs too.

> As such, it's probably a good idea to keep the same delay values here as 
> in the original driver unless good reason to use something else.
> As what goes for the original reasoning for 3ms, the commit history does 
> not mention that so I cannot comment.

So would you be so kind and research this ?

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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