On 6/26/19 1:26 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
> On 6/26/19 12:12 PM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>> On 6/26/19 12:46 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>> On 6/26/19 7:30 AM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>>>> On 6/25/19 6:15 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>>> On 6/25/19 3:30 PM, Melin Tomas wrote:
>>>>>> Prior to starting a new transfer, conditionally wait for bus to not
>>>>>> be busy.
>>>>>> Reinitialise controller as otherwise operation is not stable.
>>>>>> For reference, see linux kernel commit: 9656eeebf3f1 ("i2c: Revert
>>>>>> "i2c: xiic: Do not reset controller before every transfer"")
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Tomas Melin <tomas.me...@vaisala.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Changes in v2:
>>>>>> - Change variable declaration order
>>>>>> - Change timeout to 3ms
>>>>> Why 3mS ?
>>>> That is value used also in kernel driver.
>>> But why 3mS , why not e.g. 5mS ?
>> Quoting from comment: "for instance if previous transfer was terminated
>> due to TX error it might be that the bus is on it's way to become
>> available give it at most 3 ms to wake"
> So where did that 3 mS figure come from ? Is it from a datasheet ? Or
> the HDL ? Or is that some arbitrary number ?

This driver is based on the kernel driver, and has the same structure as 

As such, it's probably a good idea to keep the same delay values here as 
in the original driver unless good reason to use something else.

As what goes for the original reasoning for 3ms, the commit history does 
not mention that so I cannot comment.



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