On 03/19/2016 10:32 AM, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Hi,
> On 19-03-16 09:39, François-David Collin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As I’m banging my head on this too, please allow me to provide some
>> details
>> I got two stable situations :
>> The Lime2 is connected directly to the Gbit interface of my laptop,
>> speed are OK:
> Michael Haas' work to debug this by looking at the phy registers
> seems to be the most promising so-far, the clk reg and axp209
> registers all seem to be identical between good and bad setups.
> Can you try to:
> 1) Stop the boot in u-boot (press a key on the serial console)
> 2) Bring up the network, e.g. type "dhcp" then ctrl+c when it tries
> to tftp
> 3) Do: "mii read 1 0x11" in u-boot and record the output ?
> Regards,
> Hans

I'm attaching four files, two with tftp timeouts and two with a
successful boot.
The -miipages files include mii pages 0 to 7, but not extpages.

Attachment: broken.dump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: broken-miipages.dump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: working.dump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: working-miipages.dump
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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