On 03/18/2016 08:02 PM, Karsten Merker wrote:
> The installer supports a number of systems that can only load images
> of limited size, therefore the installer includes only an
> installation-related subset of all the kernel modules and i2c-mv64xxx
> currently isn't among those. This hasn't been a practical problem up
> to now, but being able to talk to the pmic is indeed something that
> should be possible even in the installer. I'll try to address that in
> the next days. Regards, Karsten 

Just an anecdote: I loaded i2c-mv64xx.ko which I had extracted from the
deb and the olinuxino locked up.

So now I'm trying to reproduce broken GBit, which is harder than
expected. I managed to do it once right after the lockup in u-boot: tftp
was slow and ran into timeouts. Then I typed 'reset' in the u-boot
shell. u-boot started again and GBit was working again.

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