Thank you, you are helping me a lot, the client connects makes the request
and disconnects, does not keep the connection active for over 20s, this way
I will continue using TWSocket and I will check the time of the last
activity of each client connected and disconnect case has passed the
connection timeout, I'm doing based on the example "MtSrv", would be the
best for my case?

Thank you for your attention and help!

2013/4/30 François Piette <>

> > WSocket only with WSocketServer WSocketThrdServer and that this problem
> occurs, it takes is
> > a message exchange (string) between client and server with multiple
> clients connected
> > simultaneously, the problem with the component WSocket that is working is
> that if a
> > customer taking disconnect the network cable, I can not check if there is
> a socket opened
> > in ClientThread to destroy it and thereby leaving many threads created
> without ...
> Is this the same issue as the one related in your previous message ? It
> seems not. But this looks closer to the subject.
> To close inactive clients, the easiest way is to record the last time a
> client sent a request and periodically check the client list and close all
> client which had no more activity since a give amount of time.
> By the way, why are you using a multithread version ? usually, multithread
> applied to simply do not scale very well. Using ICS, properly, you can
> usually serve hundreds of client with only a single thread. It is a bad
> idea
> to create a thread for each client, especially if most client are not
> really
> active.
> You should create a thread only to execute lengthy requests a client may
> send. Any request which execute fast should not have his own thread. And of
> course, you should not create and destroy threads but instead a thread
> pool.
> Correctly handling multithreading is frequently difficult for the
> unexperimented multithreading developer.
> All this being said, I have not enough information to be able to give you
> better advice. I can only stay general.
> --
> Embarcadero MVP
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