I am not able to use the component TWSocketServer with POS terminals (do
not have access to sources of client developed in C), the error occurs
after the connection "OverbyteIcsWSocketS"
TCustomWSocketServer.TriggerSessionAvailable procedure in the procedure
(Error: Word);

     {Ok, the client is still there, with the connection process}
     if (FMaxClients> 0) and (FMaxClients <ClientCount) then begin
         {Sorry, toomuch clients}
         Client.Banner: = FBannerTooBusy;
         Client.StartConnection / / <------------- ERROR HERE

The connection terminal is lost!

I need to do is receive multiple simultaneous connections to these
terminals make query on a sql server database and returns the contents, was
using indy and would like to migrate to ICS plus'm having these problems!

Thank you again!


2013/4/26 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd <an...@magsys.co.uk>

> > Hello guys, I'm using the component connections TWSocket for various
> > customers making and receiving requests, in some cases the client
> > loses the connection to the server,
> TCP not necessarily know a connection is lost since there may be no
> packets sent for many hours.  You normally implement inactivity timeouts
> to disconnect clients that don't respond.
> If you used the Socket Server as I suggested yesterday, much of this is
> automatic.  You don't normally need to use threads in an ICS application,
> unless you are making long blocking calls, 500 clients without threads is
> common.
> You check SocketState property to see if a connection is closed.
> > if ClientThread.ClientWSocket.OnSessionClosed then
> No idea what you are attempting to do here, this is an event handler
> setter, not a property.
> Angus
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