Hello, I could use the component TWSocketServer based on this example:
now it seems to be working perfectly connecting to POS terminals, is
correct to use in this instance? can continue to develop with reference it?
a question .. when the connection is terminated the client side, or simply
strip the cable network, the server is terminated after some time (timeout)?

Thank you again!

2013/5/2 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd <an...@magsys.co.uk>

> > Hello, the protocol used is TCP,
> TCP/IP is a transmission mechanism, not a protocol, those are commonly
> named HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.
> > the POS terminal sends to the server is a
> > string of ASCII characters like this
> > "ACTION=VENDA&ID_TERMINAL=528-533-378&ID_EVENTO=00001579&ID_SETOR=00
> > 018087&QTDE=01&TPEMISSAO=0&TIPO=0&MAG=0"
> The text may be ASCII, but there are no line endings so it's not a line
> oriented protocol, it's more like an HTTP POST response.
> > what happens is that after some transactions by sending the string
> > to the server, the event OnDataAvailable is no longer triggered,
> Using linemode false or true?  Are you expecting more data?
> > this happens only with the component TWSocketServer, since the
> > component TWSocket this problem  never happens
> TWSocketServer uses TWSocket, no difference.  So the difference must be
> between the ways you have implemented the code.
> > I also did the test with TMagIpLog and the same problem
> > happens
> Sorry, can not explain that. Except TMagIpLog is heavily used in my own
> applications and never loses data.
> I would refer back to my previous comment about creating a test
> application, you can use TMagIpLog in client mode, to send similar data,
> being able to see the responses your server sends may give a clue as to
> why everything stops.
> Angus
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