I'm using TCP for communication, I do not have access to the client source
to check, plus it works normally with INDY, and ISC component WSocket only
with WSocketServer WSocketThrdServer and that this problem occurs, it takes
is a message exchange (string) between client and server with multiple
clients connected simultaneously, the problem with the component WSocket
that is working is that if a customer taking disconnect the network cable,
I can not check if there is a socket opened in ClientThread to destroy it
and thereby leaving many threads created without ...

thanks for the help so far, will keep checking up with some solution to
this client.

2013/4/30 François Piette <francois.pie...@skynet.be>

> > Hello, I am using the example OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr plus what happens
> is that the wind
> > ClientDisconnect is called before processing the received data, and so
> the
> connection is lost
> > and I can not communicate with the client, it returned me the error 10053
> as log below:
> >
> >TcpSrv (c) 2005-2010 by François Piette. V3.00
> >  TWSocket (c) 1996-2012 Francois Piette V7.87
> >  TWSocketServer (c) 1999-2011 F. Piette V7.04 Waiting for clients ...
> >Client connected. Remote: Location:
> > $ 4,532 ThrdCnt: # 1 There is now 1 clients
> connected.
> >Received from 'ACTION = SOLIC_FLUXO & ID_TERMINAL =
> >528-533-378 & COD_EVENTO = 00001579 & TPEMISSAO = 0'
> >Client disconnecting: Duration: 00:00:21 Error: 10053
> ThrdID:
> >$ 4,532 ThrdCnt: # 1
> >There is now 0 clients connected.
> As far as I understand, the client disconnect to fast, without waiting for
> the server's answer. So you have to look at the client to understand why it
> doesn't wait the response from the server.
> Or maybe the client is not supposed to receive a reply from the server, in
> which case it is perfectly normal to close the communication on his side.
> And of course the server should not send any reply.
> If I misunderstood your problem, please try to explain it using other
> words.
> Don't forget to illustrate the protocol in use between client and server.
> --
> francois.pie...@overbyte.be
> Embarcadero MVP
> http://www.overbyte.be
> http://francois-piette.blogspot.com
> --
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