> I could not use the component and WSocketServer WSocketThrdServer > not know how to use the event "OnDataAvailable" examples that have
The SocketServer demo is OverbyteIcsTcpSrv.dpr, ThreadServer is OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr. You can also try TMagIpLog from: http://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magics.asp which is a combined client and server component designed for simple telnet protocols, there is an EXE can you run to listen on your port and it will display anything that arrives. All these demos illustrate the event "OnDataAvailable" Angus -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be