On Tuesday, 2013-07-30, Thomas Lübking wrote:

> +void AkonadiAddressbookCompletionJob::result()
> +{
> +    NameEmailList completion;
> +
> +    const KABC::Addressee::List &list = job->contacts();
> Since KABC is claimed deprecated, is there no replacement API?

KABC is a module dealing with contact data. The classes for 
holding/parsing/formatting data are still fine.
The things that got depreated are the data access classes (extremely limited, 
awkward to use for asychronous backends, etc).

> }
> +                completion << NameEmail(addr.realName(), email);
> +                if (m_max != 0 && completion.size() >= m_max)
> +                    break;
> @Kevin
> How are chances about having query restrictions in akonadi (esp. return
> amount, there's little sense for any completer to show more than a dozen
> entries after you typed "ke" what might match some hundreds)

ContactSearchJob::setLimit() should do the trick I guess.

> +void KDEAddressbookProcess::slotApplicationLoaded()
> +{
> +    QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = static_cast<QDBusPendingCallWatcher
> *>(sender()); +    watcher->deleteLater();
> +    slotKaddressbookRunning();
> +}
> this is superfluous, you can bind the finished signal to
> slotKaddressbookRunning() first and to deleteLater of the watcher second.
> (while the other order should actually works as well since deleteLater
> defers by one event cycle)

Looks like the cast is not necessary. Might even connect the signal to 
deleteLater directly?

> +class KDEAddressbook : public AddressbookInterface
> As mentioned before i guess this should always be KABCAddressbook instead
> to avoid the implication KABC would be the promoted KDE default. Kevin?

Hmm. I guess the class could indeed be called KABCAddressbook or 
KResourceAddressbook. But since those are framework names the user visible 
string should probably be something like "Legacy KDE Addressbook".


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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