On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:18:30AM +1000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
> jennyw wrote:
> And on my new topic:
> Along the same lines, anyone know of a good SGML (pref Docbook, but 
> any SGML editor)? For any platform?
> What I MOST need is the ability to edit stylesheets without having
> to hack the nwalsh DSSSL lisp-like stuff. The ability to edit the 
> stylesheets in less than a day/week/month's serious hacking... :)
> I want to use some sort of context formatting for my tech writing - 
> which will range from the usual programmers-stuff which Docbook is 
> terrific for as it stands, to stuff for managers which needs to (for 
> instance) NOT have section numbering.
> So I want to be able to edit multiple style sets. Have the standard
> Docbook style set for programmers-stuff, have a variant for user
> tutorials, another for user manuals, another for business proposals...
> Advice? Help? Tea?
LyX from lyx.org?

did a little in docbook with it with relative ease.  Did NOT attempt any
hacks though (no time).

Earl Grey  in your local tea shop?


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