On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 08:51:16PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Julie thought:
> > Julie wrote (in reverse order):
> >
> > > (proud vi user for 4 presidential administrations)
> >
> > I've only been using it for about six years. I really have to admit I
> came
> > to UNIX late in my career, and Linux even later. I originally *hated* vi.
> > The learning curve was way steep and I found it counter-intuitive. Once I
> > got used to it, though, many of the commands became second nature, and now
> > vi is definitely my editor of choice, simply because I know it so well. I
Especially the bit where you type "<ESC>:w" to save when you *have* to use
M$ Word!
> > Would you care to elaborate? I *think* what Linux-Mandrake give you is
> > vim, not vi. Still, when I use it everything seems the same as on my *nix
> > boxen at work.
> Vim has some, ah, "improvements" that don't sit well with me. One
> of them is "progressive searching" where you start typing in your
> search string and it starts searching right away. I find it both
> confusing and distracting and a general nuisance. The other is that
> it has a "more than one deep" undo buffer. So sometimes I go to
> undo an undo and wind up undoing a something else.
AFAIK, you can turn off some of the creeping featureism in the config file
and still retain useful stuff like arrow keys and syntax highlighting
(that's not available ion vi is it?)
> I don't "think" when I use vi -- it's all just very automatic. So I wind
> up doing things completely wrong because I've been habituated to
> doing it some other way that no longer works like that.
Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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