
On 10/18/12 11:11, THEVENON Julien wrote:
I confirm that Eric point of view is shared by the majority of people
following talk-fr mailing list according to what has been discussed on
the list.

As I said, the majority of French contributors has never had any problem with DWG whatsoever. (Of several thousand active contributors, only a dozen or so has ever been blocked.) Of course, if you whip up sentiments like Eric does marvellously ("look! they simply changed their rules without asking us! that's an aggression don't you think? our nation is in danger!") then people will side with him - especially as Eric is capable of speaking to the French community in their own language, whereas we have nobody in DWG able to do that.

Blocking some people like you would do in case of vandalism is
considered as an agression...

Nobody is ever blocked by DWG without being talked to first - and while we don't do French very well, we are always polite, try to explain the issue to people, and we go to some lengths to translate messages if we find that the person in question doesn't understand English.

This may be an inconvenience for a mapper, but I think that naming it an "aggression" is going too far.

It is also totally unacceptable that some of you try to make this into a witch hunt against Paul Norman who only enforces the guidelines just as any other DWG member would.

I have nothing against starting a political process that tries to find answers to all the questions that Christian asked in his talk message you linked to: What authority does OSMF have, what authority does DWG have, how doe we make rules in this project anyway, does the world-wide community have a right to tell the French what to do (or do the French have the right to tell the people in Toulouse what to do), and so on. In fact, having recently been elected to the OSMF board, this whole question of "who makes rules and how and why are they allowed to" is one of my pet issues that I hope to work on.

However, working on answering all these question does not mean that in the mean time, the French community can have their own rules while everyone else doesn't. Until such time as a replacement is agreed upon, the current import guidelines remain in force and this means that you need a spearate account if you import any significant amount of data.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

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