Hi Frederik,
I confirm that Eric point of view is shared by the majority of people following
talk-fr mailing list according to what has been discussed on the list.
The problem is that a lot of French community people consider that the DWG
going changed its attribution without consulting OSM community and now try to
impose something that is not related to data protection or vandalism
Blocking some people like you would do in case of vandalism is considered as an
The question is political and there is certainly a lack of communication.
For information this question of DWG attributions was mentionned one month ago
( at least ) on talk in a thread talking about governance issues (
http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2012-September/064193.html ) but
nobody clear answer to this wuestion about unilateral change of DVW
attributions in wiki.
best regards
> De : Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>
>À : eric.mars...@free.fr
>Cc : d...@osmfoundation.org; talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>Envoyé le : Jeudi 18 octobre 2012 10h41
>Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Continued aggression against French contributors
>(cadastre integration)
> I have the impression that you are trying to make a large conflict out of a
>small issue. The overwhelming majority of the French OSM community has never
>had an issue with DWG, yet you are trying to cast this into a "the French
>community against the DWG" battle.
>You are even instrumentalising those who would, on their own, not have any
>problem with following the existing guidelines and creating a separate
>account; they would prefer to simply play by the rules but you make them into
>your pawns by telling them "no! the French community suggests that you do not
>create a separate account for imports, just ignore what those DWG people tell
>You're talking as if you want to solve the issue amicably but you don't; when
>you talk of "sustained efforts" then these efforts are basically concentrated
>on getting it exactly your way. In this whole discussion I have never once
>seen any offer of compromise by you or others.
>Your talk of "anti-social behaviour" is unacceptable, and your attempt at
>singling out Paul Norman as your scapegoat is just as bad. If Paul weren't
>blocking users who violate the rules then I would, or another member of DWG.
>I have the impression that you are fighting a personal vendetta here because
>you were personally asked to follow the separate-import guideline, you
>rejected that, and you got blocked. Now it's ok if you're unhappy and you're
>free to say that, but in attempt at styling this into a "the whole French
>community is on my side, I have done nothing wrong" battle you are actually
>abusing the French community for your cause.
>The separate import account rule is not a "proposed" rule and it is valid for
>France just as it is valid for any other place. I would sincerely ask every
>member of the French community to create a separate import account if they
>plan to import large quantities of Cadastre data - Eric is now using an
>account named "Marcussacapuces91 - Cadastre" and I think that is a good and
>useful convention.
>(I say "large quantities" - if someone just imports his local city quarter
>then certainly nobody is going to complain.)
>-- Frederik Ramm ## eMail frede...@remote.org ## N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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