>    1. As far as non-emergency routing, the "locked" tag should be ignored.
> As Andy points out you may have legal access but the gate is still locked
preventing physical access. Therefore routers shouldn't just ignore the
fact that the gate is locked, they should either avoid the route or warn
you you'll encounter locked gates.

tag value
> barrier gate
> motor_vehicle no
> locked yes
> bicycle yes
> foot yes
> I think this tagging says:
>    - There is a locked gate that blocks motor vehicles
>    - There are no access restrictions for pedestrians and bikes
> This is not the interpretation of other people, as seen in a discussion on
> a GraphHopper routing issue
> https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/issues/2757#issuecomment-1434806229

In my opinion it depends on the highway=* value that the barrier=gate is
on. If it's something for vehicles like track then I'd interpret that as
the locked gate relates to the vehicle traffic only, a walker or cyclist
can usually simply climb over a locked gate so merely an inconvenience
rather than a true physical access restriction.

If the highway value was path, footway or cycleway with barrier=gate and
locked=yes then I'd assume it's a gate there to stop walkers/cyclists and
therefore the locked=yes should be considered.

My interpretation was generally accepted:
>    1. As far as the general public, the allowed access for various
>    transportation modes is not affected by a "lock" tag:
>    - A "locked=yes" tag does not restrict transportation modes with
>    allowed access such as "yes" and "permissive"
>    - A "locked=no" tag does not allow access for otherwise-disallowed
>    transportation modes such as "no" and "private"
>    1. The locked tag should be considered by routing software only when
>    used for an "emergency routing" mode. In such a mode, a "locked=no" tag may
>    be used to allow access for otherwise-disallowed transportation modes.
> I would appreciate the help of the tagging list in improving the phrasing
> of my interpretation in order to update the "Key:locked" wiki page soon.

That's not my view, as per above, locked=yes would restrict physical access
even if legal access (access=yes) is permitted.

Interpreting locked=no on access=private would depend on the router, in
situations routers way route on access=private e.g. a driveway to a
property may be access=private, but if your destination was set as the
house on that property it may decide to route you over it.

I think the tagging for the single transport mode is pretty clear, locked
relates to physical access, access relates to legal access (or perhaps for
physical access if using access=no).
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