In general I agree but Feb 25, 2023, 19:58 by
> I am assuming -- but the wiki is unclear -- that > > access=private, tagged on barrier=gate > > means that all modes of travel have a right of access only with > permission > note that some may not physically fit (even with permission your elephant may be still not fitting some entrances) > > and that > > access=private > foot=yes > > means that all modes need permission except for foot which has a legal > right to pass. > note that often foot=permissive would be more accurate but foot=yes is used (especially common in areas where legal right of way is rare or not existing and basically all =yes are actually =permissive) > With > > access=private > foot=yes > locked=no > > then it's clear that physical passage is possible for all modes. > not entirely for example if tagged on highway=footway line thenĀ I would not assume that car would fit there what worse, even if tagged in say highway=service this gate may be not large enough to fit a car > > With > > access=private > foot=yes > locked=yes > > then it says that phsical passage is not possible and hence if people > can walk around then it needs a way representing walking around. > this one is tricky and expecting that it will be used consistently will not work well +1 to separate bypass ways if matching reality not sure how to handle cases where bypass way does not work (for example you can crawl under lift gate, it is allowed, you cannot get around it) > I realize there have been "but we can invent complicated bypass tags" > but those seem to not interact well with existing data consumers and it > does not seem we have consensus. > +1 though some cases where bypass way does not work are annoying
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