I my area (Milton Keynes, UK) there are numberous pairs of bollards, where one 
is fixed, but the other can be removed after unlocking a padlock, to which I 
understand the Fire Service have a universal key.
These bollards are used on shared Foot / Cycleways, where they join or cross 
roads and serve to prevent motor vehicles from driving on the Foot / Cycleway.  
They can also be removed by maintenance workers operating with permission from 
the local Council  (I have tagged the access rights of the ways with 
As the bollards are only enforcing the access restrictions (and there must be 
thousands of them) I have not felt the need to map them, but if someone wanted 
to, I am not sure how they should be tagged to represent the 
"locked-but-can-be-opened-by-the-Fire-Service"  status.
More importantly, I am sure that there must be other barriers with similar 
locks, which Fire Services might want to see mapped and correctly tagged.
 Peter Neale 
t: 01908 309666 
m: 07968 341930

    On Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at 19:04:08 GMT, Marc_marc 
<marc_m...@mailo.com> wrote:  
 Feb 21, 2023, 15:24 by zeev.stad...@gmail.com:

>      1. As far as non-emergency routing, the "locked" tag should be ignored.

it is up to the person doing the routing to decide (and if I were him,
I would impose a penalty: getting out of the vehicle and opening
the barrier takes more time than going through a route of the
same distance without a barrier

>      2. A "locked=no" tag indicates that a legal access restriction is
>        not enforced by a lock and therefore could be overcome in case
>        of an emergency.

i agree

>      3. A "locked=yes" tag indicates that the legal access restriction
>        is enforced by a lock and therefore cannot be overcome in case
>        of an emergency.

legal or not, it's enforced

Le 21.02.23 à 15:34, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :

> That is better mapped by mapping path around barrier,  
> at least in my opinion.

maybe for a barrier=gate

but a barrier=lift_gate/swing_gate hat is less wide than the whole road
is not really a barrier + a path that goes around the barrier.
ditto if for a dual retractable barrier=bollard  blocking vehicles
but pedestrians and cyclists pass in the middle
ditto for a lcoked barrier=gate with a unlocked barrier=wicket_gate
part of it to still allow pedestrian access


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