Do you have an example picture/mapillary or similar of such a street?
You call this case yourself "parking lane" and the way you describe it,
it sounds like a typical case for parking:lane:* =
parallel/diagonal/perpendicular, but not for
parking:lane:*/parking=street_side. "street_side" is intended for cases
where the parking spaces are structurally (especially structured by
curbs) located on one side of the carriageway. (That means, if -
hypothetically - no vehicles were parked there, you could still not
drive there because curb extensions or street furniture would block a
continuous drive.)

A cycleway located behind this parking area is no longer part of the
roadway and would therefore not be "lane" but "track". But maybe I
misinterpreted the case you meant?

Am 26.10.20 um 15:49 schrieb Paul Johnson:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 6:40 AM Supaplex <> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I would like to invite you to discuss a proposal for "parking =
>> street_side" for areas suitable or designated for parking, which are
>> directly adjacent to the carriageway of a road and can be reached directly
>> from the roadway without having to use an access way:
>> The proposed tagging can be used on separate parking areas as well as with
>> the parking:lane-scheme. It aims not only to differentiate such
>> street-accompanying parking areas from others, especially
>> "parking=surface", but also addresses a contradiction in the current use of
>> the amenity=parking and parking:lane-scheme, which I would like to mention
>> briefly at this point: the use of "layby"/"lay_by".
>> The value "layby" was originally intended for forms of resting places, as
>> they seem to be especially common in rural areas of Great Britain, Ireland
>> or the US: short-stop rest-areas along through-traffic roads intended for
>> breaks during a car-trip (see Wikipedia for a definition:
>> On areas with
>> "amenity=parking" this key is also used in this sense (and mostly in Great
>> Britain).
>> Within the parking:lane-schema, however, the value "lay_by" (written with
>> an underscore) has gained acceptance. According to the Wiki, this value is
>> defined identically to the layby's mentioned above. Its actual use,
>> however, differs from this and includes mainly street-side parking, as we
>> address them in our proposal.
> How does this work out when the parking lane is not the curb lane?  This
> arrangement is increasingly common in North America, where the parking
> isn't at the side of the road, one or more bicycle lanes are.
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