On 2020-10-25 15:47, Allroads wrote:
> All landuse what is used for legally public roads, laid down in a zoning plan
> by the Government "bestemmingsplan" should be called landuse=highway no,
> because the content of a bestemmingsplan is what is politically desired and
> legally permitted, it is a plan. Landuse is not about the zoning plan, it is
> about the actual current landuse, regardless of its compatibility with the
> legal situation.
That's the irrevocable plan, then all is shaped.
There can be a considerable amount of time between the approval of a
"bestemmingsplan" and its actual implementation in the case of certain
properties. When a plan is changed (a political decision) this gives
rise to claims for damages, and official waivers for the current status
(that may only apply to the current residents for example). There are
lots of ways in which the reality can legally diverge from the
As OSM prefers the reality to the theory, a zoning plan can only be an
indication. It will however often be in line with reality.
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