All landuse what is used for legally public roads, laid down in a zoning plan by the Government "bestemmingsplan" should be called landuse=highway
no, because the content of a bestemmingsplan is what is politically desired and legally permitted, it is a plan. Landuse is not about the zoning plan, it is about the actual current landuse, regardless of its compatibility with the legal situation.

That's the irrevocable plan, then all is shaped.

For Netherlands law describing what belongs to a road.
wegen: alle voor het openbaar verkeer openstaande wegen of paden met inbegrip van de daarin liggende bruggen en duikers en de tot die wegen behorende paden en bermen of zijkanten;
roads: all roads or paths open to public traffic, including bridges and culverts situated therein and the paths and verges or sides belonging to those roads;
All landuse=highway.

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