(Two replies is one) Am 03.05.2020 um 15:29 schrieb Andrew Harvey:
On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 23:14, Hubert87 <sg.fo...@gmx.de <mailto:sg.fo...@gmx.de>> wrote: I like the idea of using "buffered". "doorzone" to me, is a pretty laoded and subjective. I don't see it as subjective. If there is parking directly next to the bicycle lane and if a parked car opening a door would intersect with the marked bicycle lane, then the bicycle lane is within a door zone. Is it the term that's the issue or the concept? Judging by the wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doored it seems like a fairly widespread term globally.
I'm familiar with that term and the concept. However 'doorzone' (to me) seems to have negativ implications (=> hazard), due to cyclists being doored. (If I remeber corectly, cyclelanes/paths next to parking cars don't seem to be a big problem in NL due to the "Dutch Reach", this is similar to cyclist being right-hooked as it is inherend of the position of the cycleway relativ to the carrigeway) So, I'd rather see the concept of "doorzone" be an emergend property of multiple other tags (buffer, position of cycle lane, ...) derived by data users/renderes/routers.
Maybe something like: cycleway:right=lane cycleway:right:lane=exclusive (cycleway:right:buffered=right/left/both/no) cycleway:right:buffered:right=yes/no/0.3(m) The problem still exists that this doesn't say if you're at risk of being doored https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doored (eg no buffer, but also no parking lane), so a specific tag like cycleway:lane:doorzone=yes/no/buffer addresses that better in my opinion.
Ideally, one of theese properties describing would need to use the "parking:lane=*"- tag, to make is tag more wide spread. My rational is, using the same tags, that one could conclude the conzept of "doorzone" but also other parking conflicts, like crossing the cycle lane to pull in/out of an parking spot. Am 03.05.2020 um 16:07 schrieb Andrew Harvey:
I've started sketching this out at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:cycleway:lane:doorzone but I think we need more examples of the full range of scenarios as I've only got two so far. On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 23:35, Hubert87 <sg.fo...@gmx.de <mailto:sg.fo...@gmx.de>> wrote: Meant to also add a discriptive tag, like cycleway:right:parking_lane=right/left/both/no/yes You would just use the existing parking:lane:parallel=left/right/both tag no?
Yes and No. Yes, as it give additional data to use. No, not "just", because that would not give the position of the parking lane relativ to the cycleway/cyclelane.
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