On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 23:14, Hubert87 <sg.fo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I like the idea of using "buffered".
> "doorzone" to me, is a pretty laoded and subjective.

I don't see it as subjective. If there is parking directly next to the
bicycle lane and if a parked car opening a door would intersect with the
marked bicycle lane, then the bicycle lane is within a door zone. Is it the
term that's the issue or the concept? Judging by the wikipedia page
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doored it seems like a fairly widespread term

> Maybe something like:
> cycleway:right=lane
> cycleway:right:lane=exclusive
> (cycleway:right:buffered=right/left/both/no)
> cycleway:right:buffered:right=yes/no/0.3(m)

The problem still exists that this doesn't say if you're at risk of being
doored https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doored (eg no buffer, but also no
parking lane), so a specific tag like cycleway:lane:doorzone=yes/no/buffer
addresses that better in my opinion.
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