On 16/4/20 1:23 am, Manon Viou wrote:
Thanks Martin, yes, refugee sites should always be temporary even if,
as you said, some turn to be very long term places. That's why we do
not suggest to add temporary/permanent options.
In which case the description for amenity=social_facility +
social_facility=shelter is not correct.
If it is to be done on area then specify the number of square meters
rather than the number of buildings???
Buildings can be a of different sizes and capacities. An area could be
more consistent as to the number of people.
Imagery may not be up to date so counting buildings may not be possible.
Le 15 avril 2020 à 11:36, Martin Koppenhoefer <
dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
sent from a phone
On 15. Apr 2020, at 01:13, Warin < 61sundow...@gmail.com
<mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I would think amenity=refugee_site is an area set aside for the
non-temporary residential use of refugees
maybe I’m a dreamer, but I would expect all refugee related features
to be “temporary”, even if we are talking about relatively long
periods of time
Cheers Martin
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