Am Mi., 15. Apr. 2020 um 17:37 Uhr schrieb Manon Viou <>:

> Hello again Martin,
> I agree large and small are quite relative concepts, I proposed to set a
> threshold to "less than 5 buildings" because it was the easiest way I
> found. I'm not sure counting people is feasible at least for remote mapping
> or data integration from NGO or other organisations who don't publicly
> share population information.
> Small refugee sites are in general single structure quite easily
> distinguishable from a classic refugee camp.
> Regards,

Yes, sorry for being ambiguos, I did not mean to literally count people,
rather to give an indication how many people are "big" or "small", e.g. 10,
50, 100, 1000, etc.
If the limit is 20 and there are 22 people, you might still decide to make
it "small", but if you see there are around a hundred and the limit is 20,
you will not have to count to say it is "big". Of course, a few hundred
would still be small compared to a place with 20.000 people.

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