I can think of at least two pubs in my stamping ground within The Shire which I 
have never set foot  in as they closed before I moved there eight years ago. 
Both still look like pubs and display their name and look like pubs from a 
distance. Set to disused:amenity=pub.

https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/204717378 gives local people much to moan 
about on the local Facebook group for local people.

Phil (trigpoint)

On Thursday, 26 September 2019, Andy Townsend wrote:
> On 26/09/2019 16:48, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > Paul Allen wrote:
> >> BTW, that's on national cycle route 82, so whether or not it really is
> >> a pub would be of interest to some mappers.
> > Oh, has that closed? That's a shame. (I stayed in St Dogmaels a few years
> > ago, thought the Castle Inn looked wonderfully old-fashioned, and was
> > planning to go but was diverted by some other excellent pubs nearby. Not
> > least the one in St Dogmaels itself which served Gwynt y Ddraig Black
> > Dragon. I'd hoped to return one day... ah well.)
> >
> >> Mapping it as amenity=pub + disused=yes would (if carto
> >> is consistent with other times I've tried disused=yes) render it as a pub
> >> where disused:amenity=pub does not render it as a pub.
> > Sure, but OSM isn't just about rendering, let alone just osm-carto
> > rendering. A "find a pint of beer near me" app which does a proximity search
> > for amenity=pub won't work very well if some of those pubs... aren't pubs.
> >
> > amenity=pub means "actually a pub", not "thing that looks like a pub".
> https://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/map.html#zoom=20&lat=52.0802094&lon=-4.660442
> Works for me.  I might be tempted to keep the "name" set (or perhaps 
> "old_name") if there's still a sign outside, since I think it's 
> reasonable to think of that as the building or old pub name.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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