> On Jun 14, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> The former are not very important to show because there is already the road 
> that will be rendered.

I know in most places, especially residential/unclassified/ tertiary roads that 
make up a majority of OSM routes that wether a sidewalk is present is less 
important than the routes through a school campus or theme park, but in very 
busy places where even entering the road as a pedestrians Is illegal and 
numerous tunnels, bridges, crosswalks  exist "grade separated" from the road 
network, like the major roads of the 200 sq miles of Tokyo - separately tagging 
and rendering the completely fence separated sidewalks that line the main 
streets is just as important as the road network - perhaps more so - as more 
people walk and ride a bike than use cars there. 

This means cases where we can ignore the differences between a footway or trail 
(or path or cycleway) is not the cases we should use to help define the tags. 

Different grades of different "foot paths" require different tagging - a long 
sidewalk through a rose garden and the trail images I shared earlier have more 
differences than a surface=tag. 

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