> On Jun 14, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> A path through a park is not so substantially different from a trail in my 
> eyes, there can be bigger differences among different trails alone for 
> instance.

This is a fundamental disagreement between us. I will supply some local 
pictures this week to illustrate my point. 

There is a little grey area in surface smoothness - but expected conditions, 
assumed usage, and what is implied by rendering are vastly different. A narrow 
motorway is a spacious and smooth service road: the road condition may be 
similar, but the usage and assumed standards are very different - and confusing 
a motorway with an alley because they are tagged and rendered the same would be 
a mapping disaster - which is exactly what OSM is doing with trails. 

Just because they may look a little similar (think of all the grades of roads) 
does not mean there is not a very large difference in assumed usage by the 
general population, especially those who would look to go into such areas. 

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