Martin Koppenhoefer <> writes:

> sent from a phone
>> Il giorno 13 giu 2016, alle ore 12:03, John Willis <> ha 
>> scritto:
>> Being able to define them separately and get them rendered
>> differently allows for proper interpretation and expected conditions
>> - Just like an alley vs a farming road vs a motorway - Is essential
>> for accurately describing the world.
> but how would path=main or tertiary etc. make any difference here, or
> describe better who can take a certain way/which equipment/skills are
> required?
> Wouldn't it be more suitable to use sac_scale, trail_visibility,
> smoothness and similar (maybe yet to invent) tags?
> A path can well be the main route to a mountain top and still be
> unsuitable for less experienced/trained hikers.

(not John, so somewhat different opinions)

I think we need main/not in addition to what John suggests above.  The
point of main is to be able to know which of the side trails -- even if
they look the same -- are ones that shouldn't be taken by accident.
This is less of a big deal with a mountain trail that probably is well
blazed than a loop trail in town conservation land that has too many
extra trails.

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